Crocodile Bridge Gate – Near the Mozambiquan Border

Crocodile Bridge Gate is in the south-east corner of Kruger National Park and is the first gate you’ll get to if you’re entering the game reserve from Mozambique. It’s just off the main Mozambique-Johannesburg road.

WarthogIf you’re travelling directly to the gate from Johannesburg, it’s 458km away (285 miles) and will take about 6 hours to drive the distance and that’s without taking any breaks. When you get to the gate, you’ll need to pay the game reserve entrance fee.

If you’re staying in or near Komatipoort in a game lodge or with someone you know, the gate’s a good place to enter Kruger National Park as a day visitor or to begin a longer safari.

The gate’s only a short distance, being 10km (6 miles), outside the town of Komatipoort which is itself the last town in South Africa before the Mozambiquan border. If you’re heading onwards to Mozambique, don’t forget to take your passport!

If you need to stock up on any groceries before heading into Kruger National Park, there’s a Spar supermarket in Komatipoort.

The gate is named after the bridge which crosses over the Crocodile River. This river forms the southern boundary of Kruger National Park. When you cross the river, be sure to look out for animals!

If you’re arriving at the gate late in the day, Crocodile Bridge Rest Camp is just after the gate. The rest camp has caravan and camp site, safari tent and bungalow accommodation.

You may also be wanting to enter Kruger National Park at this gate if you’re going on the Lebombo Eco-Trail. This 4×4 route is a 5 day trail and follows the Lebombo Hills along the eastern border of Kruger National Park. The trail ends at Pafuri Picnic Site in the far north of Kruger National Park.